Clintford Cadio & Howard Zhenn Leong

Gather—JA's online alumni community—not only offers entrepreneurial opportunities and builds professional networks but also develops friendships across borders.

JA Malaysia alumnus Howard Zhenn Leong and JA Canada alumnus Clint Cadio participated in JA programs in different regions, but they became friends thanks to the JA alumni network. Clint reached out to Howard in summer 2022 when Clint joined the third cohort of Gather Reporters. Clint wanted to connect with a fellow JA alum in his area, and he also wanted to hear about Howard’s experience as a Gather Reporter (Howard joined the first cohort in 2020). They met up at the JA Southern Alberta office in Calgary and became fast friends.

Because Gather Reporters work as international storytellers, interviewing inspiring individuals and producing content for JA Worldwide, we thought we’d turn the tables and ask Clint and Howard a few questions for a change.

JA Worldwide: Let’s start with the basics. Where did you grow up and what alumni networks are you a part of?

Clint Cadio: I was born in the Philippines and moved to Alberta, Canada, when I was 12. I’m an alumnus of JA Canada and JA Americas.

Howard Zhenn Leong: I grew up in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and I came to Canada to attend university. I’m an alumnus of JA Malaysia and JA Asia Pacific.

JA Worldwide: What JA programs did you participate in, and how are you involved in JA today as an alumnus?

Howard: I participated in the FedEx/JA Asia Pacific International Trade Challenge in 2018. Today, I’m a Global Alumni Ambassador, building new JA alumni chapters around the world and strengthening the network.

Clint: I participated in the JA Company Program in the 2021–2022 school year. I’m currently a Gather Reporter in the 2022–2023 cohort.

JA Worldwide: When you were a child, what job did you imagine yourself having as an adult? Has it changed now that you’re older?

Clint: As a kid, I wanted to be a race car driver because I had a passion for sports and high-performance driving. I also really enjoyed studying mathematics and science, but I recently discovered I have a passion for philosophy and the humanities.

Howard: I wanted to be a neurosurgeon, because of a TV series about doctors. It looked cool and it’s a respectable job. In school, I really enjoyed physics. I was mesmerized by the equations that represent how the physical world works.

Clint: My ambitions changed as I grew up, and now I want to pursue a career in tech and be an entrepreneur. I hope to find a job in Web 3.0, specifically in blockchain tech and artificial intelligence (AI).

Howard: My career dream has certainly changed! Currently, I’m interested in econometrics, a quantitative and statistical subfield of economics. I’m interested in this field because it uses data to make sense of complex human behaviors.

JA Worldwide: How has JA impacted your life?

Clint: JA has been a very fun ride for me. I participated in the JA Company Program through my school. I was able to learn new things and gain so much wisdom from my peers, and that empowered me to do greater things. I was developed a passion for tech that has enabled me to develop different projects that align with my desire to make an impact on the world.

Howard: I dreamed of working in a global technology and advertising agency. I dreamed of studying at a top institution. I dreamed of how I can best contribute to the nonprofit world. And JA has helped me realize these dreams.

JA Worldwide: Why do you think you became friends? And what do you find yourselves talking about when you hang out?

Clint: We have similar interests that I think make us compatible as friends and collaborate on a sophisticated level.

Howard: We have a lot of common interests, starting with JA. A lot of our conversations involve technology, venture capital, and start-ups.

Clint: Yes, we talk a lot about entrepreneurship and start-ups, as well as casual topics about life.

JA Worldwide: What do you admire most about your friend?

Howard: Clint is really good at networking and connecting with people. He relentlessly seeks out the best advice and learns from people quickly. I would also say he’s good at making his environment work for him.

Clint: I admire Howard’s ambitions and work ethic. He’s a very hard-working person, and he’s able to shoot for the moon and make an impact on people’s lives.

JA Worldwide: Where do you think you would be without JA?

Clint: I would still be a normal teenager, but my time in JA accelerated my growth as a person. It helped me identify my passions and personal values. Without JA, I wouldn’t be the same person I am today.

Howard: I was at an important juncture in my life when I encountered JA—it was during my last year in high school. I was about to start a new chapter in my life, and I had no concrete plans. I jumped at the opportunity to intern at JA Malaysia, which led to my positions with JA Asia Pacific and now JA Worldwide. I dare to say that, without JA, it’s highly unlikely that I would have achieved the goals I have set for myself. So, I wouldn’t trade my JA experience for anything.

JA Worldwide: What’s next for you two?

Clint: I’m graduating high school in the spring.

Howard: This summer, I’m going to study AI and machine learning at Oxford.

We’re excited to see what these two incredible alums do in the future! Keep up with Howard and Clint on Gather.


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