Bill Schawbel

Early in 2019, JA received exciting news: We had qualified for two charity entries in the 2020 Boston Marathon, representing a significant fundraising opportunity. William (Bill) Schawbel—founder and CEO of Schawbel Companies, Wharton graduate, JA alumnus, JA volunteer, chair of the 2019 JA Centennial Gala, and all-around JA supporter—had decided to run the marathon in celebration of his 80th birthday and secured the two entries, which are managed by John Hancock. The other entry went to Leo Martellotto, President of JA Americas, IronMan triathlete, and JA alumnus. 

“I believe it’s entrepreneurial to give back, whether with time or money.”
— Bill Schawbel

Then along came COVID-19. 

The marathon was postponed to September, but later changed to a virtual event. Registered runners completed the 26.2-mile run on their own and reported the results. Participants could run around their neighborhoods, put in miles on treadmills, or travel to another location to run, as long as they practiced COVID hygiene. Participants even had access to a virtual marathon expo and an app for family and friends to follow along. 

An experienced marathoner, Bill would run the Boston Marathon for the seventh time, but this time at his home in Needham, Massachusetts, USA, completing the entire marathon on a treadmill. Blessed with an exceptional workout facility on his property, Bill arranged for supporters to cheer him on, rotating every hour and watching from a safe distance. And he and Leo raised over US $125,000 for JA. 

Bill, an inspiring lifelong entrepreneur, lived and breathed JA while a student at Boston Latin School. “In 1956 or 1957, when I was involved in JA,” he says, “I was president of my JA company. We had to deal with banks, get a product to market, and get investors. This experience was not that much different than experiences later in my career, when I also had to deal with financial institutions, create new products, and manage accounts receivable and accounts payable.” 

“Have a vision outside of your neighborhood. There are opportunities outside of your city, your region, and your country. Reach out and see what’s happening in the rest of the world, because you might find there are more opportunities outside than at home. But get involved locally, too.”
— Bill Schawbel

Now entering his ninth decade, Bill remains an active supporter of JA Worldwide and Junior Achievement of Northern New England. He has served on the JA of Northern New England Board of Directors for over 15 years as Board Chair, Executive Committee member, and Advisory Council member. Bill now serves on the JA Worldwide Global Council, and he continues to make a difference locally as a JA of Northern New England Board Emeritus. 

“JA is very, very valuable for the economy in general and for underserved people in particular. JA enhances what students learn in school, through which JA students realize that, ‘Yeah, I can do that.’”


Arya Yurdacan & Öykü Ulusay with Entella Co.


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